Mediation HRS Consultants now providing Mediation services. An option for Mediation should be available in your Bullying and Harassment Policy. This helps meet employers duty of care to employees

Paternity Leave

  The Government has proposed to introduce paternity leave with effect from September 2016, which will allow new fathers to take two weeks’ leave and receive a State Paternity Benefit of €230 per week subject to the father having made suitable PRSI...


The recent Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act cites “….it shall not constitute discrimination on the age ground to fix different ages for the retirement (whether voluntarily or compulsorily) of employees or any class or description of employees if – (a)  it is...

Annual Leave while on Sick Leave

We are all aware of the change around annual leave accruing while on sick leave which became effective in 1st August 2015. It is now widely acknowledged that employees on sick certified leave will now accrue annual leave although there are few notable points around...